Angkor is the heart and soul of Cambodia. Today, 1200 years after the first constructions began, this is still a place of pilgrimage and an object of pride for all Khmers. Here, kings successively built temples to honour the gods … Continue reading

Angkor is the heart and soul of Cambodia. Today, 1200 years after the first constructions began, this is still a place of pilgrimage and an object of pride for all Khmers. Here, kings successively built temples to honour the gods … Continue reading
Depuis 20 ans, le Dr. Beat Richner sauve des vies d’enfants au Cambodge grâce à sa fondation et à ses hôpitaux Kantha Bopha. Pour récolter les fonds nécessaires (90% du budget provient de dons privés), Beat Richner se produit notamment … Continue reading
Singing in the rain in a flooded street in Siem Reap, near Angkor.
Pictures from the North (Kratie) to the South (Kampot and Kep) passing by Phnom Penh. A land of water since Cambodia’s pulses are bound to the flow and floods of the Mekong and other affluents. Especially now in the monsoon season.
One of the only reasons tourists may stop in Kratie, North of Cambodia, is to see the Irrawaddy dolphin that – as it’s not obvious from its name – inhabits the Mekong river. Many cafes and guesthouses propose half-day trips … Continue reading
Entre 1975 et 1979, le régime communiste de Pol Pot, Saloth Sar de son vrai nom, écrasa et détruisit près de 2 millions de vies, sur une population cambodgienne de 6.5 millions. A l’heure de sa chute, Phnom Penh acclama … Continue reading