Borneo : a new trip between summit and depth

In november, we spend 12 days in Borneo’s Island in the Malaysian part. We climb the Mount Kinabalu (4’095m.) and dive in Sipadan. Enjoy. V & G
In november, we spend 12 days in Borneo’s Island in the Malaysian part. We climb the Mount Kinabalu (4’095m.) and dive in Sipadan. Enjoy. V & G
A last adventure in our big adventure. Diving in Komodo will be one of the best memories of this 8-month trip across Asia. Unfortunately we were not equipped with an underwater camera. So you can only trust us on this … Continue reading
Enter Tana Toraja in South Sulawesi and you will soon find yourself impregnated by the animist myths and rituals that mix deads and alives in vibrant ceremonies. In this mountainous region, the mist adds up to the mystic atmosphere that … Continue reading
Too much of the wet season in South-East Asia ? So, why not going to Nepal ! That’s what we decided at the last minute, having all our trekking equipment ready in our backpacks. After 23 days hiking in … Continue reading
Angkor is the heart and soul of Cambodia. Today, 1200 years after the first constructions began, this is still a place of pilgrimage and an object of pride for all Khmers. Here, kings successively built temples to honour the gods … Continue reading
Tourism has been booming in Laos for the last 10 years. Trying not to fall into the traps of rapid and intensive tourism (which has for example ruined one of the most beautiful places in South East Asia, I am … Continue reading
We are discovering northern Laos and its multiple ethnies, all bound to the forest.
Au moment de quitter la Chine, que nous n’avons fait qu’effleurer au travers de quelques provinces, nous plongeons une dernière fois dans les racines de cet immense empire. 4’000 ans d’Histoire courent sur ces terres, berceaux de la soie, du … Continue reading
A l’époque (IIIème – XIIème siècle) de l’intense échange commercial entre l’est et l’ouest le long de ce que l’on nomme de nos jours Route de la Soie, les régions qui composent l’Ouzbékistan d’aujourd’hui ne sont qu’un maillon d’une seule … Continue reading
The show… A « no comment » reportage illustrated with pictures only would as well do to report on our short 4-days incursion in Turkmenistan. But we cannot resist to share some impressions about this very odd country here. Crossing the border … Continue reading
An adventure like the one we have just achieved would not mean much if it wasn’t for all the beautiful encounters that punctuated our way like colorful little pebbles : Baba, Yavuz and family, Basak, Jack, Jesus, Diako and family, Mohammad … Continue reading
We are back home for winter. Some last pictures will come soon on intothegreen ! To be continued…
Get away with the blues of november ! Welcome into the blue of Togian Islands & Bali, Indonesia.
Enjoy the view of Annapurna II in Nepal. We are out for 20 days of trekking … See you soon.
Depuis 20 ans, le Dr. Beat Richner sauve des vies d’enfants au Cambodge grâce à sa fondation et à ses hôpitaux Kantha Bopha. Pour récolter les fonds nécessaires (90% du budget provient de dons privés), Beat Richner se produit notamment … Continue reading
Singing in the rain in a flooded street in Siem Reap, near Angkor.
Pictures from the North (Kratie) to the South (Kampot and Kep) passing by Phnom Penh. A land of water since Cambodia’s pulses are bound to the flow and floods of the Mekong and other affluents. Especially now in the monsoon season.
One of the only reasons tourists may stop in Kratie, North of Cambodia, is to see the Irrawaddy dolphin that – as it’s not obvious from its name – inhabits the Mekong river. Many cafes and guesthouses propose half-day trips … Continue reading
Entre 1975 et 1979, le régime communiste de Pol Pot, Saloth Sar de son vrai nom, écrasa et détruisit près de 2 millions de vies, sur une population cambodgienne de 6.5 millions. A l’heure de sa chute, Phnom Penh acclama … Continue reading
Yesterday, we visited WWF Laos office in Vientiane. In a nice 2-storey house surrounded by gardens, we met with an energetic young woman, Ms. Trang Dang Thuy, Manager for sustainable hydropower and river basin management. Trang, what does your title … Continue reading
Longtemps approché indirectement via son produit fini, nous ne vous avons pas encore présenté Bombyx mori sans qui notre voyage ne se serait sans doute pas fait. Ce poste entend rendre à ce César des forêts ce qui lui appartient. … Continue reading